Warren County Clerk Of Courts

Title Fees

Effective - 07/01/2009
(Fees are subject to change)
Types of Titles Fees
Fees that apply to Motor Vehicles and Watercraft/Outboard Motors:
Original without lien or memo (non-dealer) $15.00
Original with lien and memo $15.00
Original with lien, no memo $15.00
Original/Dealer Resale (no lien) $5.00
Replacement with lien being added, no memo $15.00
Replacement with existing lien, no memo $15.00
Replacement without lien or memo (non-dealer) $15.00
Replacement/Dealer Resale (no lien) $5.00
Duplicate (all owner types) $15.00
Salvage Replacement with lien being added, no memo $15.00
Salvage Replacement with existing lien $15.00
Salvage Duplicate (all owner types) $15.00
Memorandum Only $5.00
Lien Recording beyond "first lien", each additional $5.00
Affidavit $1.00
Sales or Use Tax-Warren County 6.75%
Penalty Fee* $5.00
*Penalty fee for failure to apply for a title within 30 days
Salvage Title Fees that apply to Motor Vehicles only:
Salvage without lien $4.00
Salvage with lien, no memo $15.00
Salvage Replacement without lien $4.00
Salvage Title Fees that apply to Watercraft only:
Salvage issued to licensed watercraft dealer without lien $5.00
Salvage (non-dealer, non-law enforcement) without lien $15.00
Salvage Replacement (dealer) without lien $5.00

Title fees are payable by cash, check (subject to restrictions) and credit card.

Fees are subject to change

Click here to see the Clerk's Check Acceptance Policy.